Lee Jung-hoo’s Bitter Spring Breeze… Hitting Streak in 5 Consecutive Games in Exhibition Games

‘Grandson of the Wind’ Lee Jung-hoo (25, San Francisco Giants) is creating a strong spring breeze in the United States.

Lee Jung-hoo played an exhibition game against the Colorado Rockies of the 2024 Major League Baseball (MLB) Colorado Rockies held at Salt River Fields at Talking Stick in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA on the 5th (Korean time) with 1 hit, 1 walk, and 1 RBI in 2 at-bats.

Lee Jung-hoo continued his hitting streak in five consecutive games from his first exhibition game with the Seattle Mariners on the 28th of last month to this day.

His exhibition game batting average is 0.462 and on-base percentage is 0.533, and he gets on base with a hit or walk once every two at-bats. 토토사이트

Lee Jung-hoo, who started as the number one hitter and center fielder, warmed up his bat by hitting a ground ball in his first at-bat in the top of the first inning.

He was out with a ground ball to second base against right-handed hitter Dakota Hudson, who was Colorado’s starting pitcher.

He hit a fastball to the body with a strike count of 1, but it ended up being an infield grounder.

It was the first and last out count recorded by Lee Jung-hoo that day.

Lee Jung-hoo got on base with a walk in the top of the second inning with two outs and two outs on second base when the team was ahead 2-0.

Hudson’s control was shaking, and Lee Jung-hoo did not miss it and selected four balls well.

The hit came in the 4th inning when the team was trailing 2-1.

Jung-hoo Lee faced right-hander Ryan Feltner on first and third base with no outs.

Lee Jung-hoo was fouled when he touched a low fastball on the inside of the first pitch, and missed a changeup on the inside of the second pitch, resulting in 2 strikes on the ball count.

But he didn’t lose focus.

He targeted a change-up outside the third pitch, hit a timely hit to the left, and brought the runner home on third base.

Lee Jung-hoo ended the game by being replaced by a pinch runner after hitting a hit, and San Francisco scored a total of 5 runs in the 4th inning alone.

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